Complete Guide to Energetic Cleansing and Recharging of Your Crystals - Kaia & Crystals

Complete Guide to Energetic Cleansing and Recharging of Your Crystals

Carlo Colosio

Crystals, minerals and gemstones are more than just beautiful decorative pieces; many believe they possess energetic properties that can influence our well-being. To maintain these properties at their maximum potential, regular energetic cleansing is crucial. In this post, we will explain what energetic cleansing is, why it is important, and guide you through different methods you can use to cleanse your gems and stones.

Why is it Important to Cleanse Crystals?

Over time, crystals can accumulate negative energies from their environment or from the people who handle them. Energetic cleansing helps to remove these unwanted vibrations, restoring the mineral to its natural state and allowing its healing properties to function optimally. This practice can also help establish a deeper connection between you and your stones.

Methods of Energetic Cleansing

There are several effective methods for energetic cleansing of crystals and minerals. Below are the most common and easy-to-perform methods:

**Water and Salt**

This is one of the most traditional and effective methods. Simply dissolve salt in a container of water and submerge your gems for a few hours. It is important to ensure that the stone is compatible with water and salt, as some can be damaged. For example:

- Selenite: Dissolves in water.
- Hematite: Can oxidize with water.
- Pyrite: Can oxidize with water and salt.
- Tourmaline: Susceptible to damage from salt.
- Lapis Lazuli: Is sensitive to moisture due to its composition.
- Calcite: Can dissolve in water.

**Sunlight or Moonlight**

Sunlight can revitalize your crystals with its vibrant energy, while moonlight, especially during the full moon, offers a gentle and purifying energy. Place your minerals under sunlight or moonlight for several hours to absorb these natural energies. However, some gems can fade with prolonged exposure to the sun, such as:

- Amethyst: Can lose its color.
- Rose Quartz: Can fade.
- Aventurine: Can lose its shine.
- Ametrine: Can fade.
- Citrine: Can lose its color.
- Apatite: Can discolor with sunlight.
- Celestite: Can become dull or fade over time.

**Incense, Herbs, and Smudge Sticks**

The smoke from certain incenses, herbs, and smudge sticks, such as sage, palo santo, cedar, or specific blends for smudging, is ideal for energetic cleansing. Light the incense, herbs, or smudge stick and pass the stones through the smoke, allowing the smoke to completely surround them. This method is excellent for a quick and effective cleansing. Smudge sticks, which are blends of resins, herbs, and woods, are especially powerful for purifying and balancing the energies of minerals.


Burying the gems in the earth can be a powerful way to cleanse them, allowing them to reconnect with the natural energy of the earth. Leave them buried for at least 24 hours. Be sure to mark them well so you can easily retrieve them.


Sound vibrations can also cleanse crystals. You can use bells, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, or even your voice to generate a sound that bathes your stones in purifying vibrations. Keep the sound close to the mineral for a few minutes.


If you have experience in meditation and visualization techniques, you can use your mental energy to cleanse your crystals. Hold the stone in your hands, close your eyes, and visualize a bright white light enveloping and purifying the mineral, removing any negative energy.

**Using Other Crystals**

Certain crystals, like Selenite and Clear Quartz, have strong purifying properties and can be used to cleanse other minerals. To use this method, simply place the crystal you wish to cleanse on or near a piece of Selenite or a cluster of Clear Quartz. Leave it there for several hours or overnight to allow the purifying energy of the selenite or clear quartz to cleanse the other stone.


The energetic cleansing of crystals and minerals is an essential practice to maintain their healing properties and positive energy. Experiment with different methods and discover which one resonates most with you and your stones. Remember that intention is key in any method you choose; a clear mind and heart when performing the cleansing will make all the difference.

In our online mineral store, you will find a wide variety of gems and tools for energetic cleansing. Visit us and take your crystal collection to the next level!