Hello! We are Sònia, Carlo and João. Kaia & Crystals is a small company founded in Barcelona in 2022 and born from our passion for the incredible world of minerals. The origins of our story date back to more than a decade ago, when my husband João and I began to take our first steps in the world of handmade jewelry, which led us to discover the whole universe related to crystals. On one of our trips to João's homeland, Brazil (one of the richest countries in the world in terms of precious stones) we visited Cristalina, a small town famous for its abundance of minerals, and we could no longer "unhook" from its magic and power of attraction. Later we made our first trip to the mystical India, the world center of gem polished work, and there we decided that we wanted to get started in the mineral trade. We set up our first online stone store on Etsy in 2010, first buying cabochons for jewelry making and gradually expanding to other types of crystals such as raw stones, therapeutic cut minerals, crystals for collection, etc.. After many adventures last year we decided with our friend Carlo to take a step forward and set up Kaia & Crystals, a company that picks up the spirit of our first online store but with the focus on wholesale.
At the moment our main suppliers are located in Madagascar, Pakistan, India and Brazil, where we work directly with local companies and with their own mines, which guarantees us to know all the route that the crystals we sell make until they reach our hands, guaranteeing a conscious and ethical trade as possible. All the minerals that you will find in our store have been chosen by ourselves in situ, as we are very demanding with quality and we like to establish close relationships with the people we work together.